Monarchs of England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom

A complete list of the rulers of England and the years they ruled is below.

Egbert (802�839)

Æthelwulf (839�856)

Æthelbald (856�860)

Æthelbert (860�866)

Æthelred I (866�871)

Alfred the Great (871�899)

Edward the Elder (899�924)

Æthelstan (924�939)

Edmund (939�946)

Eadred (946�955)

Eadwig (955�959)

Edgar (959�975)

Edward the Martyr (975�978)

Æthelred II (978�1016)

Canute (1016�1035)

Harold I (1035�1040)

Hardacanute (1040�1042)

Edward the Confessor (1042�1066)

William I (1066�1087)

William II (1087�1100)

Henry I (1100�1135)

Stephen (1135�1154)

Henry II (1154�1189)

Richard I (1189�1199)

John (1199�1216)

Henry III (1216�1272)

Edward I (1272�1307)

Edward II (1307�1327)

Edward III (1327�1377)

Richard II (1377�1399)

Henry IV (1399�1413)

Henry V (1413�1422)

Henry VI (1422�1461)

Edward IV (1461�1483)

Richard III (1483�1485)

Henry VII (1485�1509)

Henry VIII (1509�1547)

Edward VI (1547�1553)

Mary I (1553�1558)

Elizabeth I (1558�1603)

James I (1603�1625)

Charles I (1625�1649)

Commonwealth (Civil War: Lord Protectors Oliver Cromwell (1653�1658) and Richard Cromwell (1658�1659))

Charles II (1660�1685)

James II (1685�1688)

William III and Mary II (1688�1702)

Anne (1702�1714)

George I (1714�1727)

George II (1727�1760)

George III (1760�1820)

George IV (1820�1830)

William IV (1830�1837)

Victoria (1837�1901)

Edward VII (1901�1910)

George V (1910�1936)

Edward VIII (1936)

George VI (1936�1952)

Elizabeth II (1952� 2022)

Charles III (2022� present)

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David White