

Book Reviews

These books are nonfiction for ages 4–8.
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Nonfiction 4–8

A – H

Children Around the World
Are children the same all around the world? Yes and no. Some things are different, depending on where you live and who your family is. Other things are common to all children, all around the world.

C Is for China
You as a reader know you're in for a treat when the first page describes an abacus, one of the world's oldest inventions that is yet being used in some parts of the world, including in China. A Is for Abacus is the first concept in the great little book C Is for China by Sungwan So. This great little book is a worthy addition to the Round-the-World series from Frances Lincoln.

Edison's Famous Phonograph
This book is a wonderful example of how a seemingly complex concept and detailed explanation of a famous event can be condensed into young-reader-friendly language without losing any of the relevance or importance of that famous event.

Here Comes Our Bride
This wonderful little book from Frances Lincoln is a snapshot (literally) of life in a Nigerian community, specifically focusing on a wedding. The third in a trilogy of books focusing on African ceremonies, Here Comes Our Bride! tells the story of the marriage of two older people and how the marriage develops and how it affects the family and the community.

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Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2023
David White