The Olympics


These links give you information about the Olympics, both historical and modern.

Symbols of the Olympic Games
Site explains the importance and meaning behind the Olympic torch, flag, rings, and more.

International Olympic Committee
Official site of the governing body of the Olympics.

The Ancient Greek Olympics
The Olympic Games in ancient Greece were a religious festival first and sporting events second. The Greeks also quit fighting for the entire Games period. And the events that they competed in were both similar and different to those today's Olympics offer.

The First Modern Olympics
The first modern Olympics took place in Athens in 1896. They were the brainchild of a Frenchman who dreamed of reliving the glory of competition found in Ancient Greece.

The First Winter Olympics
The first Winter Olympic Games were in Chamonix, France, in 1924. Not surprisingly, Scandinavians won the most events.

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copyright 2002–2024
David White