Book Review: The Kingfisher Concise History Encyclopedia

Reading Level

Ages 9-12

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The single best historical encyclopedia on the market today for young students is the Kingfisher Concise History Encyclopedia. Filled with rich illustrations and plenty of maps, timelines, and other graphics, it is also a wonderful presentation of basic facts and cause-and-effect context.

This richness of context is what sets it apart from others. By presenting the stories of every continent in chronological groups, the book gives the reader a sense of "This is all happening at the same time." Studies of world history often neglect this "whole world view."

Starting at 40,000 B.C. and working its way up to the new millenium, this book gives you a great overview and plenty of rich context for a thorough understanding of the world's history and future.

This book also stands out because it focuses on more than just politics and wars. Especially in the study of the last half of the 20th Century, the reader learns about environmental concerns, famine woes, the space race, the modern scientific revolution, and other aspects of history that are often overlooked in standard world history presentations.

Part of the new Concise Encyclopedia series (which also includes the Children's Encyclopedia, the Science Encyclopedia, and the Encyclopedia of the Future), this book is vital to any student's understanding of the history of the world.

Graphics courtesy of Kingfisher

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David White